Your use of this website is governed by these terms and conditions, please take some time to review this information. Using the ‘Camp’ Camp website constitutes your agreement to follow these rules and to be bound by them. If you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, do not use the website.
Without prior notice, ‘Camp’ Camp reserves the right to update or modify these terms and conditions at any time. Use of the ‘Camp’ Camp website following any such change constitutes your agreement to follow and be bound by the terms and conditions as changed. For this reason, we encourage you to review these terms and conditions whenever you use this website.
All images on are property of ‘Camp’ Camp. All images, texts, graphics, and any other miscellaneous content found on are protected by worldwide copyright and other proprietary laws and treaty provisions. You are not allowed to download, modify, reproduce, publish, distribute, transmit, transfer, modify or sell any portion of this without written authorization from ‘Camp’ Camp. All worldwide rights are reserved.
We strive to present the most up to date and accurate information on our website. However, rarely the information on our website may contain unintentional inaccuracies. We present our content ‘as is’ and make no claims to its accuracy, either expressed or implied. We reserve the right to amend errors or to update product information at any time without prior notice. We also reserve the right to refuse or cancel any orders for products that have been purchased at an inaccurate price, whether the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is cancelled, we will refund your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price.
By using you agree to defend, indemnify and hold ‘Camp’ Camp harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from or related to your use of the website.